5 EASY house plants I LOVE!

If you follow me on Instagram, you know how much I love my house plants! We are so proud of our plant collection and I truly love them all but wanted to highlight 5 plants that are SO easy to take care of. If you are a beginner and want to add some plants in your home, I would highly suggest any (or all) of these 5 plants I am sharing below. They each require very little maintenance and will thrive all year long with proper placement and (minimal) care. I also shared a mini video on my Instagram sharing these plants, which I do recommend watching as well.


Jade Plant

Light: Require lots of sunlight.
Water: Plenty of water!
Thoughts: I love this plant so much. It is said to bring you good luck, which is just an added bonus but the actual plant is stunning and very easy to take care of. I love that it looks like a mini tree but it has grown so much since this picture. I do recommend rotating it once a month so leaves grow evenly all around.



Light: Place in indirect light.
Water: Once a week
Thoughts: This is probably the easiest home plant ever. It really doesn’t require much work at all and will grow very fast with a little bit of care. I love the gorgeous green leaves with hints of yellow and I have already cut some of the leaves and they are now growing into other plants! So beautiful


Peace Lily

Light: Indirect sunlight
Water: Lots of water!
Thoughts: How gorgeous is the Peace Lily plant? I love the white flowers so much as well. This plant actually communicates with you which is so amazing. When it needs water, the leaves get limp and when it is watered well, the leaves perk up! So cool.


Snake Plant

Light: Indirect sunlight
Water: Minimal water needed.
Thoughts: Another VERY simple plant that I recommend to everyone. This really does not require much work and will thrive with minimal water and indirect sunlight. I do recommend having a drainage hole for this plant (though my planter does NOT have one) to ensure the excess water drains properly. I am so excited to see this plant grow even more!


Aloe Vera

Light: Bright sunlight
Water: Very minimal water.
Thoughts: Another plant that I love so much. This is such an easy plant to take care of and I have cut off a few aloe leaves to use on my skin. I normally move this plant around in our home and love how it looks in different places!

IG video sharing these plants:

Arshia Moorjani